Broadcasting Ad

Broadcasting Ad 2

Broadcast Ad 3

I chose to do this project because I thought my department needed a little help being recognized. Personally (maybe because I’m biased) I think we have one of the most unique and relevant majors out there. The world is changing quickly and broadcasters learn to evolve with the times and to be excited to learn and achieve new things. Even Public Relations, and Communications majors have to learn to adapt to the ever changing culture around them .

The first poster I did is by far my favorite. Its specifically for the broadcasting department and it just looks so neat and eye catching. I thought it would be really cool to just show some of the behind the scenes stuff that film majors get to do. So I put behind the scenes pictures of some famous movie scenes into a film strip, slapped an AMAZING quote about filming into a really cool thought bubble and there ya go!

The second poster is where to find more information about the department. We made an informative video describing every department and what they do that is posted on the departments website. So I took a screen shot of the video and the information as to where to find it.

The third poster was one that I created over the summer for a class. I really liked it but just wanted to improve it. I added the clocks to the top to give it a little something extra and fill some of the extra space. I think it makes it look a lot better and adds to the vintage feel.

I obviously added Maroon to all of the posters since they are for the university. And the black and white to either emphasize a point or because it stands out rely well agains the maroon.

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