Photoshop Tip Sheet

First of all I would like to say that I only know the basics of Photoshop. It is such an amazing program the possibilities are basically infinite and there are entire spaces of the program I haven’t explored yet.

I decided to use photoshop because it allows me to create exactly what I want. I can manipulate photo’s or text in a way that I couldn’t on other programs.

So here it is my basic tips for Photoshop!



Broadcasting Ad

Broadcasting Ad 2

Broadcast Ad 3

I chose to do this project because I thought my department needed a little help being recognized. Personally (maybe because I’m biased) I think we have one of the most unique and relevant majors out there. The world is changing quickly and broadcasters learn to evolve with the times and to be excited to learn and achieve new things. Even Public Relations, and Communications majors have to learn to adapt to the ever changing culture around them .

The first poster I did is by far my favorite. Its specifically for the broadcasting department and it just looks so neat and eye catching. I thought it would be really cool to just show some of the behind the scenes stuff that film majors get to do. So I put behind the scenes pictures of some famous movie scenes into a film strip, slapped an AMAZING quote about filming into a really cool thought bubble and there ya go!

The second poster is where to find more information about the department. We made an informative video describing every department and what they do that is posted on the departments website. So I took a screen shot of the video and the information as to where to find it.

The third poster was one that I created over the summer for a class. I really liked it but just wanted to improve it. I added the clocks to the top to give it a little something extra and fill some of the extra space. I think it makes it look a lot better and adds to the vintage feel.

I obviously added Maroon to all of the posters since they are for the university. And the black and white to either emphasize a point or because it stands out rely well agains the maroon.


Who- Communication Department at EKU

What- series of Posters or flyers to attract incoming students

Text- Print ads & small posters, 8.5×11

Technology- Photoshop

Why- to attract students who may not know what we do in the communications department. To make our majors seem more appealing, relatable, and fun! Many of these ads will be parodies as to attract  attention. This is something I worked on in a class over the summer and would like to improve and build upon.


Poster 2

Copyright, Intellectual Property, and Public Domain

By Definition:

Copyright- the exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same.

Intellectual Property- a work or invention that is the result of creativity, such as a manuscript or a design, to which one has rights and for which one may apply for a patent, copyright, trademark, etc.

Public Domain- the state of belonging or being available to the public as a whole, and therefore not subject to copyright.

Many times these ideas overlap. If something is “common knowledge” say for instance that Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz wears a gingham dress then can gingham on any Dorothy character be intellectual property or copyrighted? If someone wants to play Dorothy in a video or make a movie about er do they have to get permission to wear gingham.

In Beyonce’s Countdown video she uses a lot of cultural movie and dance references. Though it did appear to many that she copied an entire dance routine the question is was she allowed to do that? Can someone patent or put a copyright on a dance move? Many people struggle with the idea that an “idea” could be copyrighted. Have all ideas or concepts or inventions be thought of or made before in some sort of fashion?

Personally I believe that Beyonce’s video is public domain. Do I think she should have given credit to the choreographer; sure I do. But all in all cultural references are something that many people can spot so they become common knowledge.

Horror Story Remix

For my remix I chose to portray the story as a horror story. Basically the man stuck in the shed starts making super freaky noises and the banker starts to get curious. When he goes outside to see what it is a scary face pops up in the window and the banker has no idea what is happening. Adding scary music, a scary shed, and some creepy noises is all it takes to make this scene nerve-wracking.


In Class Project- Kurtlan & Morgan

The shape of the sitting area near the Daniel Boone statue is very odd with a mixture of sharp lines and very round circles. It was meant to attract eyes with its bold texture of darker rocks against the thick border of white with a complementary black rock on the outside. The darker rock makes the sitting area of red rock stand out. The texture definitely pops because there are several rocks and they look appealing and inviting.
The parking spots near the ravine are aligned diagonally to fit more on the one way street but they also give the campus that unique EKU look when passing the ravine. The lines on the cross walk are aligned as well for a particular look and to indicate where the cross walk is. Both repeat in a uniform manner as most parking spots and cross walks.
The students are standing very close to each other in terms of proximity but are standing away from the door during a fire alarm which is something the entire campus participates in once a semester. The color of the grass and tree is very bright green which gives a great inviting look to the whole campus. The students also have a verity of colored shirts showing that even as a group each student at EKU is uniquely individual.
The line of hedges gives the walkway a nice touch but is still practical for marking the boarder of the pathway into Telford. The shape of the hedges is very unique which catches your eye. They are quite small so they don’t take up a lot of room. The mini hedges add a nice touch to EKU’s landscape.
The windows on Telford have a unique look to them that is sometimes overlooked. The tall tower looks even taller with the small windows repeating. They are aligned perfectly throughout each room with perfect straight lines.
The large rocks near Powell had a bold texture to the landscape walkway. The rocks are rather large and take up a lot of space in order to attract attention and make the walkway look more filled out.
The fliers are repeatedly stapled to the wall and usually many of them are posted at the same time. Although a lot of the fliers repeat the same message there are many different types and colors that make each flier unique. Sometimes they are very close together or on top of each other and do not have a clearly stated proximity.​